
by Lucy Chihandae

He drowns the noise within 
And the noise without
With the noise from his

His lips move inaudibly
Reciting a litany,
A prayer with rhythm
And his head moves
In obeisance- to his 

He screams
Within, anger wells up-
Pain of losing
Another opportunity,
To be great- lost through his

The notes of life 
Bounce within,
Bob in his head
Tag at his heart,
Resonating with-the sound from his

While the world goes by,
He slumps back
 Lost in yesterday.
In what he missed, in
What he could have been, in
A tomorrow lost –in his 

Headphones by Lucy Chihandae

© Copyright 2014. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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