Sins of Anotha |
by Chereen Fredericks |
Dedicated to all the really GOOD BLACK MEN who are ready, willing, and able to love, respect, protect, and nurture A GOOD BLACK WOMEN. Dear: Brotha's: My apologies I'm sorry Brotha but I can't let you in cuz your paying for anotha lover's sin. I'm sorry Good Brotha I can't let you treat me right, but I've decided to sleep alone for the rest of my life. I'm sorry Brotha but I'm so used to the cruelty of your fellow man so when you're nice to me I can't understand. I'm sorry Brotha I can't feel your heart because mine has been continuously ripped apart. Yes, I know it wasn't you, but it still makes it hard to see your love as true. Uh huh I know I've got to let it go and forget about all the pain I know. No since holding on to a love that's long since gone, no more sappy poetry, sad love songs, or advice for the lovelorn. But I'm sorry Brotha I still can't let you in cuz your paying for anotha lover's sin. Yeah, I did say I want romance but I'm petrified to give love a second chance. Loves always been a "TKO" and I've been forced to let the idea of finding a true love go." You see Once upon a time there was this thief who stole my heart and the key, and to this day it had not been returned to me; He walked away with my heart, knowing full well it was my most essential part. It left me with a hollow body, skin and bone, and my heart's still trying to find its way back home. So I'm sorry Brotha but I can't let you in but your paying for anotha lover's sin. I know it's not your responsibility to give me back my faith in man, your just a Good Brotha doing all you can but I still feel to insecure and love is meant to be pure. Yes, I know you called and asked me out, tried to clear my head of any doubt, been patient, tried to understand shown me that there is such a thing as a "GOOD BLACK MAN." You've listened when I've felt bad, tried to keep me from feeling sad, been romantic, honest, encouraging, and devoted, and my Brotha all your good qualities have been so noted. Time after time you've shown me you'll "be there" and I don't mean to come across as a Sistuh who just doesn't care. I respect you and your role as a Nubian King and in another time and place I would have given you my everything. I know it's not fair to make you pay for the sins of anotha but I was hurt by my last lover… So I'm sorry Brotha I can't let you in cuz your paying for anotha lover's sin. Sincerely, A Fragile Hearted Sista |