Children of a Lesser God

by Chereen Fredericks

Are we Children of A lesser God, why do our lives seem so hard?
Is it because we had such a tragic start?

Are we children of a lesser God, as bullets tear ghettos apart,
and rip open a mother's heart.

Are we children of a lesser Being,
as drugs keep the addicted feignin'?

Are we children of a lesser fate,
as white supremacist are still allowed to teach hate?

Are we children of a lesser plan as
"women raises child without man,"

Are we children of a lesser nation,
forced to live in degradation, without a proper education?

Are we children of a brilliant "Dream"
that will remain in our hearts and minds but not be seen?

   Are we Children of a lesser GOD?

Children of a Lesser God by Chereen Fredericks

© Copyright 1998. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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