He Say She Say

by Chereen Fredericks

     Her-Your not feeling me a woman says to her man.

     Him-But if I don't know what's wrong how can I understand?

     Her-Your never around your always out with your friends, a girl needs a
little romance every now and then.

     Him-Your always complaining, your never satisfied! You tell me everyday
"I ain't no good" don't you know that' hurts my pride. You think I'm out
there cheating but I ain't part of that race, three little letters will never take
me to my final resting place."

     Her-Yeah I'm hearing all that I guess I just don't understand, since
birth I've lacked the love of a good Black man. No daddy to teach me wrong
from right, no husband to keep me warm and safe at night.

     Him- I understand your pain, I won't leave you alone, If it takes me
forever I'll romance that stone. The stone that's taken the place of your
heart, all you need baby girl is a brand new start.

      Her-I'll take the chance but don't be a thief, when I play the game of
love I play for keeps. Don't steal my heart because you know you can and don't
ever think of me as your back-up "pussy plan." I'll stop accusing you and
saying that your scheming and let our relationship take on a whole new meaning.

      Him-Right here and now let's make a pact we must bring the Black
relationship back. No more dogs and no more bitches let's live out our
ancestors wishes, love our families and keep them strong a Beautiful Black
Love Song

He Say She Say by Chereen Fredericks

© Copyright 1998. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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