What To Do About Father's Day?

by Chereen Fredericks

What to do about father's Day when all we have are mothers
It makes a sista ask herself where all the good black brotha's
The Martin's and Malcolm's of modern day
who'll love their families and won't go away.

What to do about father's day when all we have are mothers
Where are the men who are good daddies' not just great lovers.

What to do about Father's day, is it a day for single mother's to mourn
or feel validated by their struggle and simply march on.

What to do about father's Day when our sons go to school,
and can't make "Father's Day" cards and are left feeling like fools.

What to do about father's Day when our daughters become mothers
raising their children without their "Significant other"

What to do about Father's Day do we need another million man march,
to give children back their daddies, and Black families a new start.

What to do about Father's Day?

What To Do About Father's Day? by Chereen Fredericks

© Copyright 1999. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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