Brown Angel

by Chereen Fredericks

For Devin with all my LOVE

This is dedicated to the one I love,
the person who keeps me praising God up above,
my single greatest joy, my precious baby boy.
He keeps me laughing even when I'm sad.
He keeps me smiling even when I'm mad.
A little brown Angel as mischievous as he wants to be.
A little brown Angel but the biggest part of me.

 He says "Mommy" and I know it's the greatest word I'll ever hear, he says
"mommy" and covers with carmel kisses to show how much he cares.
He's my heart walking around; he's a little brown clown.
He's silly and sassy
and he laughs when I tell him what "not to do,"
He's a beautiful brown angel and you would love him too.
His eyes sparkle as he looks for the next thing to "bother"
He's my little brown angel but I'm raising him without his father.

Brown Angel by Chereen Fredericks

© Copyright 1999. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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