Waiting for someone to save you,
can cause folks to enslave you
sitting foolishly allowing others
to degrade you
instead of you
getting up to upgrade you.
assist in others destroying you.
Only you can save you
Hats off to the fellow that get up,
get out, do what he has to do.
If you don't do what you need to do
others will surely make choices for you
Quit waiting for your pastor,
Quit waiting for the evangelist,
preacher, or anyone else to do
great things for God for you
Quit sitting on the way side
It breaks my heart
and I am sure God's
to know that your talents are not in use.
Use them but don't abuse them
God provided them for you to use.
not misuse
You can do great things for God
If you but love Him with your heart..
No football player ever won the Super Bowl,
no baseball player ever won the World Series
by sitting in the stands.
you've got to get up,
put up and do the best you can.
You best is always in demand.