Millions are on a conveyor belt straight to hell!
Generations living around me
This new generation today have no spiritual foundation
To their lives, they don’t even wanna hear about Christ
How he died or why he died.
They just wanna do what they wanna do
And there’s nothing I can do for them but Hope and Pray
That the Hunger that all most devilled me will take hold of them
If only I could reach a few of them
If only I could bring these young people the Truth of God's Word
The hope and love of Christ
So many falling into the hands of cults and false religions
Honey, how I wish you were here, I know you’d know what to do
You’d know what to say,
The older I get the more I understand
Something just can not be done by man.
Sinning took me out of my self and my relationship
With God was broken,
No matter how much I loved you,
No matter what you did for me
Something was still missing.
And you knew it
But you couldn’t fix it.
No matter what you did, no matter what you said
The void within me I was soon to find only God can fill.
Deep down, sinful woman that I am
I knew something was missing in my life,
Even after you made me your wife
The pain in my heart just wouldn’t go away
And then I knew I had stepped outside of God
And I could feel it within my own bleeding heart.
There’s just something that this world can't fill,
It was only after you married me that I knew
How much you truly loved me
As you took my hand and lead me back into the Word
And we begin a search to fill that void.
Honey I love you, I shall never forget you
Now you’re gone and I am all alone
I can believe nothing other than you are with God.