Who Am I?

by CatherineButterfly

Out of the Infinite I came,
and the infinity I shall return 
not made for dying 
not made for failure 
not made for pain.

Hidden from view 
no longer creeping along
others, swiftly as a runner
never measured in terms of time
no one ever cease to be 
they live in you, they live in me
pass beyond human sight
beyond the reach outside the heart
never just beyond the unknown

Death, is not evil,
death, is not good,
death, is just misunderstood
death, an incident
death, apart of life
death, is a deep sleep
just as sleep is a part of life

Death, a door through which we must pass,
death, is not the end
death, a new beginning 
death a new dawn

Death the unknown
I can only trust the keeper of infinity
the controller of a grand and kind intelligence
through appearance things change
but the law and the rules stays the same.

Insight of life,
wisdom of the heart, 
power of faith
beauty and truth
these do not change.
Out of the infinite I came 
unto the infinite I shall return 
not made for dying
not made for failure
not made for pain
not made to live in the world
of light and dark
but living in the world 
of light and death.

Hidden from view, 
no longer creeping alone I know whom I am...Do you?

Who Am I? by CatherineButterfly

© Copyright 1996. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.