When She Was Born

by Catherine Butterfly

The x-ray showed that she was coming side ways and she was coming very soon. There were doctors, two interns, anesthesiologists lots of nurses, and several other observers in the room. But No daddy, you wasn't here. One grandmother, about twenty human beings and then I knew that these were not relatives but angels send from above.

I felt the present of the Lord, you see this child was conceived in love a part of you a part of me, a child of God. There was no labor pain, instead as I began to push a strange sort of release came all over me.

She was so small and was coming fast into the world breeched. But I refused to have her any other way than through the vaginal. And she was coming this very day, no water to push her forward, now placed in a semi, upright position so the doctors could see better, to monitor our condition. I knew what I was doing was against what the doctors wanted me to do, but I also knew that this creation was of me and you.

So I sat with my legs in stirrups and the nurses held me up from behind as I pushed, this beautiful little girl torn her way in to the world. The nurses assured me that I was doing just fine. Her genitals and buttocks were bruised and swollen for several days. She was so small as she laid in the incubator those one hundred and fifty five days, here she could be monitored. She only weighted two pounds and four ounces. This beautiful little girl I couldn't believe came out of me. Now our little girl is what she was meant to be -- an Angel of Love. Thank You Father God for blessing her and loaning her to me/us.

When She Was Born by Catherine Butterfly

© Copyright 1969. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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