Unto the Ears of My Grandchildren

by Catherinebutterfly

If only our young children would attempt to try and understand what life is all about, if only they would take time and look around themselves and see the clouds that's waiting to swallow them up. I have spoken to all of my grand children that I can reach or know how to get in touch with and said these words to them. I pray you know how important it is to make a good living; however, it is not the most important key to happiness.

And if you look at your own life I am sure you don't want this for the rest of your life, nor for the lives of any children you might later bring into this world. So you think a boyfriend can make you happy, keep living, keep the shields over your eyes, keep listening to all the smoothness blowing in your ears. To find happiness, which is buried deep in your own thoughts, you must find yourself. In other words, You need to find you, who are you. And what you desire in this life. Do not allow another to create you, and direct your walk in this life. After this life is over, No more choices, no more directing, seeking etc;.

But I am sure later there will be a lot of company desiring in one accord. To come Out from the Pits they have created. During the next several years, that search should become more clear as you face challenges in your life. Don’t be scared of challenges, because once they are faced and overcome with success, your maturity will give you clues as to who you are. But for now this love, you aren't ready for the invitation that is lying at your feet. There ain't no turning back.

So you wish I would leave you alone, you got it, in the physical I am as of this day, but in the Spirit I am crying out to God to OPEN your eyes, Open your ears, help you to Comprehend what is lying right before you that you are to blind to see. Until you come to realize that you cannot love others until you love yourself. There will be times you will not love yourself because of the decisions you make. Do not let that defeat your love of yourself as that again is a maturing and character building trait.

Along with loving yourself, you must like yourself. These two traits sort of run together; however, they are completely different. For example, you may love who you are, as you want to be alive, but you may not like yourself because of some habit that you wish you did not have. God loves you and He will never allow you anyone that you love greater than Him. Enough said, right here.

Unto the Ears of My Grandchildren by Catherinebutterfly

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