
by Catherine Butterfly

People ask daily if tithing is still required since that was in the Old Testament. ALL we have is from God, He has simply given us stewardship over whatever resources we have during our brief journey through this life. GOD DOESN'T NEED OUR MONEY! We give to God as an act of worship. We give to God as an act of obedience. We give to give as an act of sacrifice.

When you read the Bible, the giving of the tenth or "tithe" in the Old Testament was part of the Old Treatment Law. We are no longer under the Old Testament Law. 100%, not 10% of everything we have belongs to God. So when we give, we are simply giving back to God what is His already out of obedience and as an act of sacrifice and worship!

For 29 years I have never held back the truth from you and won't start today. I get people asking me to explain why they gave a certain amount of money to some ministry they saw on television who preached a message on how to get out of debt. They did what they were told (gave them $$$$) and they are still in debt and even in a worse financial situation.

Others were told to plant a seed and all their financial problems would be solved. They planted the seed (sent them $$$) but still have the same financial problems. Still others were told to take a stand of faith for their child who was running from God. They took a stand (sent in $$$) and their child is still on drugs and running from God. People are confused, mad at God, feel like they don't have enough faith because they do exactly what they are told, send in $$$, yet nothing changes!

I have shared with you in the past messages on Biblical giving, on giving without guilt, and how to give by faith. It is not just those on TV and radio who pervert God's Word to get people to give, but many churches also manipulate their people by taking passages and stories in the Bible totally out of context in order to induce people to give. Today, I want to expose some of the spiritual fraud that is being committed to drive

Tithing by Catherine Butterfly

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