God shall bring men and women into a covenantal relationship
With Him He will be their God and they will answer only to Him
the world will marvel and say these are the sons and daughters of the Lord.
These things the whole World will say.
As all the pain of the past God will take away.
What a day, what a day, when my Father will come and take the pain away.
Yes He’s Our God, the Mighty Father Jehovah God,
Jehovah God, the God that Searches the Heart
The God of my people a people with the love of God,
The heart of God, the mind of God and the character of God.
These will be the days when there will be great trouble
In the waters at home and abroad.
These will be the days when the truth man can not avoid.
The days we will hear of scandals at sea.
These is when all men will praise God, bless God and cry out to be free
These are the days when all men will learn the meanings of True Liberty.
God will cause the enemy to be exposed in this generation..
With the discerning of the spirit they will be recognized by mere conversations.
The ungodly will rise to power,
but he will be cut down at the moment of his greatest potential.
For he will be slapped of his ungodly seat.
This will be the hour of defeat, for the unrighteous will fall at the Father’s feet
These are the days that foreign nations will desire to bring wars
to the shores of the eagle, but we as a people God will send to meet them
God will raise up a praying army of people
Who will be answerable to Him and Him alone
God will raise up a bunch of warriors who will strand strong with full armor on.
The enemy will bring foreign gods to our shores as they have in the past
Only this won’t last,
They will demand both animal and human sacrifices.
But be not alarmed, for before us is always The Christ.
I say be not alarmed, for the church will emerge
to a height in this Century such as the world has never known.
Come Lord Jesus. Come for only through You
can we Your people stand strong.