Precious Lord Hear My Prayer

by Catherinebutterfly

dedicated to Lionel R. Bolar 

Precious Lord,
I heard the song
And I heard it clear
As angels was singing it
I just sat there.
The song they song was
"Precious Lord, take my hand",
"Lead me on, let me stand,"
But what I am feeling
Only God can take my hand
For Death had come and taken my man
The song is right
For he was tired, and he was weak, he was worn;
And needed sweet peace for it had been a long time
Since he had been able to endure a peaceable sleep.
This heavenly man that was so sweet.
Our Heavenly father had taken us through many a storm,
Through the night, throughout our lives
Even when we knew we were wrong and were not right.
Our precious Lord has led us to the light:
As the angels song that day
All I could do was sit and pray
You've taken his hand, now precious Lord,
Lead him home. This blesses man
Take him Lord as only You can.
Precious Lord taken him home.
When the darkness appeared
And the night drew near,
I am grateful Father that it is You here
For the day is past and the day is gone,
I sat and listen to the Angels songs
For at the river he stood, God guiding his feet,
Holding his hand as He carried him away
I asked the Lord as He comforted me Will You
Continue to take my hand as well
Or else my Lord I am destiny for hell,
Precious Lord, as you lead him home.
Please dear Lord do not leave me alone.

Precious Lord Hear My Prayer by Catherinebutterfly

© Copyright 2007. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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