What Did Jesus Preach? Three

by Catherinebutterfly

What was it that Jesus taught?

He taught that man must hate sin

Hate it so much that he would turn from it,

But alone man could not just quit

Come He said give it me

I'd help you begin to live a new life without that sin.

If you but come and walk with me.

all your sadness and pain can end


 What was it that Jesus taught?


He taught the order in which man much walk.

Repentance is what He said to them.

Same as John the Baptist had

The difference was one held the power and

The other showed the way.

First they was told what Repentance means

A Committing with God’s help

To change lives. To start anew.

they must do it God's way.

What Did Jesus Preach? Three by Catherinebutterfly

© Copyright 2009. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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