
by Catherinebutterfly

Phobias now cover the world
They are all over the place
No one is safe
These plagues man has made
Daddy walked back and forward
Talking out loud
Turning to his wife he said
We must give this mess to Christ.

This is the year of the phobias
This I must say.
I heard his folks say
Let’s get rid of them today.
The son sat there silently as
He listen to what his parents had to say.

Claustrophobia is the only phobias that he had
Ever claimed, but he wouldn’t have mentioned it
If he had known it would have driven his parent insane.

But these phobias son, before you
The world have not thrown away
It seems these few phobias
Are here to stay.
Then he began to name a whole batch
of new ones that the young folks claim
He even gave to his son all of their names:

Aedificatorphobia, Bulliphobia, Carpenasophobia,
Diveruphobia, Exercitophobia, Fortunophobia,
Parvocoquophobia, Parvocoquophobia, Hebdomaphobia,
Gyrosaccophobia, Obsoletophobi, Quisquiliaphobia,
Sapophobia, Senecophobia

Then his parents took their hands and they began
to pray. Son come join us for it is time to pray.

These things Mama and daddy said to their son.
But know there is nothing new under the sun.
Hoping and praying that the phobias that
Surrounded them would soon go away.

There’s thousands of phobias in this world son
So we must continue to pray that these phobias
Too will disappear as we pray.
The world is covered by phobias
One kind or the other said the mother.
Mama shook her head all knowing,
And daddy looked away all sad.
The son looks at his parents
And then he had his say..

But ya’ll “Senecophobia” is here to stay
until King Jesus comes and takes it away.

Today we’s sitting here and praying
that God come and take these phobias away
when we should be giving him praises
that we can make it through the day
Mama, Daddy this should be our prayer.
Giving God the praises for all that he's
done, and all that he do.
What The Father has placed on this earth
has nothing to do with me nor you.
There is a time, a season and a reason
for all the Father does.
But Son, said the mother these things didn't
come from above.
The son sit back down bowed his head and said
Father God I thank you for parents thats I do love.
In Jesus name Amen.

Phobias by Catherinebutterfly

© Copyright 2007. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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