On My Knees

by Catherinebutterfly

    On my knees I learned to pray
    Lord send Your Holy Spirit my way
    By the power of Your Holy Spirit,
    Lead me, teach me, transform me,
    Shape me, and strengthen me,
    That I might delight in Your Will
    That I might walk in Your Way
    To the glory of Your name Lord I ask
    You to have Your way.
    Help me to fully surrender to
    The Lordship of Christ Jesus my Lord
    And the leading of the Holy Spirit.

    I surrender Lord, my all in all
    From the crown of my head to the
    Tip of my toes, from the inside out
    From the outside in.
    As Your servant Lord I answer Your call
    Here I am Lord Mind, body and soul
    Here I am Lord Obedient to Your every
    My testimony to the whole world is Through
    The Blood of Christ Jesus who gave His life
    For me I am Godly Blessed

    In the name of dear Jesus Christ
    I give my all.
    As I go forward answering Your call
    Leaning on You Lord I can not fall.

On My Knees by Catherinebutterfly

© Copyright 2008. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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