The Next President

by Catherinebutterfly

    Who will be the next President of the United States?
    The next President of the United States is a few months away,
    Based on who the most likely to win will hold
    The highest office in the land,
    Let us pray for a godly woman or man.

    It is time for all those who know Christ as their Savior
    To get on their knees and start praying earnestly.
    For the person in office has the ability to steer
    The spiritual direction of this nation towards
    God and Biblical values,
    Or away from God and Biblical values

    Christian's brothers and sisters
    We MUST be involved in the
    Political process that's taking place
    If we want to live in this U.S. of A
    And be safe.
    We've best to learn who the Creator is
    And do it His way.
    We must make our voice heard in this time
    We must make our voice ring out before
    All opportunities is lost to chance.
    Trying to lead this nation back to the Godly
    Principles and values that we once held
    Enough of our children are already in hell

    We've best to learn to pray
    Do you hear what I say?
    We've best to learn to let our yes be yes
    And our No be no.
    For we are now so far away from
    Life, love and the pursue of happiness.
    Staying at home and not voting is causing us
    Great harm. Not voting my people is super dumb.

    The Bible says that it is God who allows
    Men and women to rise to power.
    It is God who will allow the man to take that
    Stand in that hour.

    No person will occupy 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
    Unless God allows them to.
    You've best to believe me when I say this to you.
    About whom the next President will be,
    If you desire to be free, you've best to get up and vote
    This voting stuff is no joke.
    Take a look at our present president
    That in it self is enough to repent.
    Because many of you allowed him in with your consent
    Even if it was not your intent.

    We have to look realistically at the system
    That is currently in place
    For a person to ascend to that office
    We have best to fast and pray.
    If not I can guarantee you that the devil
    Will have his way.
    The world takes care of its own
    If you don't belong to him, you've best
    To get up off your rear end walk out that
    Door and vote instead of staying idly at home.

    The power is in your hand right now
    Right now we have got a chance to vote
    In a godly woman or man.
    If we but take a stand
    For tomorrow might be too late
    Uh, uhh! Won't mean a thing if you don't vote
    It'll be too late to say 'I' made a mistake.

    Pray that Jehovah God will raise up a man or woman
    Who won't be afraid to take a stand for Christ,
    Take a stand for faith,
    For the spiritual and social issues of the day.
    I tell you people we have best to take a stand and pray
    Or soon we will be slaves even here in the U.S. of A.

    That is why Christian's brothers and sisters we MUST
    Be involved in the political process and make our
    Voice heard, in trying to lead this nation back to
    The Godly principles and values that we once held
    And are now so far away from.
    How did we get here?
    Had we took the stand and decreed
    That "No weapon formed against us can succeed"
    Had we look to the Lord and stayed on our knees
    Had we took the Lord at His Word
    Our voices would have long time been heard.

    Faith without Works is Dead
    Action moves, produces and do what it
    Needs to.
    Lips serve just isn't enough
    The devil speaks very well
    Reasons stand only one of why our
    Children are lost and sitting in Jail
    Or an early grave.. the devil do not
    want a one of them saved

    It's time we realize that we are free
    And not slaves, if we say we are saved
    Santified, Holy Ghost Filled and fire
    Our actions got the devil believing that
    he be the boss
    Freedom is ours this you must decree
    Christ Jesus died and make all of us Free.
    Now tell me why in so many lives
    The Devil rules?

    Sitting at Home you are playing the devil's fool
    Not voting, not praying, Not knowing who
    You are and whose you are, just isn't Kool
    Even here on Earth Jesus Christ rules but He
    Will not take your choice away, so get up, walk
    Out that door but before you do, decree righteous
    Judgment so that we the children of Truth will
    Vote the Heavenly way.

    Satan can not win, he can not stay
    Go Vote do you hear what I say?
    The Holy Spirit anointing is waiting to
    Guide us in to all blessing on that Special day

The Next President by Catherinebutterfly

© Copyright 2008. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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