The Naked Truth

by Catherinebutterfly

The Truth took off his clothes and was taking a swim. 
The lie was sneaking around, stole Truth's clothes and ran through town. 
What the lie expected was for Truth to be condemned
People looked and said, "That looks like The Truth." 
Suddenly, the Truth came running chasing behind the Lie 
And the people watching said, "But that's The Naked Truth."
My son People had been previously following 
That which looked like the truth, that's why so many of our people have died. 
But now they are receiving the naked truth. 
Undress the Lie.
See my son people have been following some ideologies 
That their great grandmother, their great-great 
Grand mother and their great-great-great-great great 
Grand mother followed. 
People still have no concept of who God is.
Oppressed people can't identify with it. 
They are still dealing with this type of image 
In their minds.
Giving their lives to stupidity and petty crimes
It is hard to relate to God in the light that 
He is normally presented. 
If I believed in this system, 
I would think that God was against black people.
Your works speaks much Truth it is the way you present it.
They want everything the Burger King way
Their way or no way.
Man does not desire Truth my son.
From it he have always run.
Running from it he does himself great harm
And then he turns and blames another...
Kills God when he destroys his brother.
He never learns how to stand
He never grows up to be a man.
Boy his mother calls him to this day.
Because she really does not know what the Good book say.
Never learning the Naked Truth she can not teach him the way.
Your works are deep, and to many they speak,
Man wasn't created to be a boy, or to work for someone else.
That is not your ultimate destiny. Black men
Were created to become producers, creators and inventors,
Not only entertainers and athletes. 
God has instilled you with the ability to invent 
To control not just enough to have your own business or to push 
Someone else's products across the counter. 
You must become the product that is pushed. 
You must become the producer of the product.
There is no such thing as Luck my son.
It's blessings.
It's anointing
Undress the Lie
And the Truth will stand
Now from you Roejay The Poet 
Can I get an Amen?
Take care my son. 


The Naked Truth by Catherinebutterfly

© Copyright 2006. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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