A Mother's Love

by Catherinebutterfly

On this day May 10 2009 in my house we are honoring mothers. I thought it fitting to share with you this wonderful story from God's Word that personifies a mother's love. See I know mothers are chosen from above. A mother's love can be broken down into the 3 P's. Pleading, persistence, and prayer.

My mother pleaded, was persistent as we grew our mother knew that we would need Christ to make it threw. I give God the praise for Mothers prayers; the twelve of us was something else. We kept our Mother spending time before the Lord praying for us to be saved, to have a descent life. That we girls would have our own husbands and the young men would have their own wife’s.

Without mothers prayer I doubt we would have made it this far. Today I take time given God all praise that I am saved, sanctified, Holy Ghost filled and water baptized.

Mama worked for us like a Hebrew slave to raise us alone after Dad was gone, she had no life of her own. We was her life, her joy, we kept Mama on her feet. I have no doubt in my mind or heart of Mama’s love for God.

Reasons stands part of the reason I sort the Lord at an early age is of nothing I’ve done of my own, but because of my Mama’s prayer. Mama loved and knew Jesus as her Savior refuse to allow us to do the things that the world did, she said there was no such thing as a little or big sin. Sin is sin my Mama said. Just like dead is dead it does not matter how you die, you can’t come back at least no one has come back yet that can tell us what happens after death but I can tell you when it happens it can not be undone. So children listen to me and listen well, for if you chose to live your way you might land in eternal hell.

It’s because of my mother's prayers I do believe only one out of twelve landed in jail. And me, I am who I am today because I had a mother who loved the Lord and cared.

So in honor of mothers, let me break down the 3 P's of a mother's love.

A mother will plead for her child. When he’s in trouble she’d walk as many miles as she must when transportation is not available or allowed. No matter what the case might be. If he or she’s in trouble she’ll laid before the Lord until that one is free.

A true mother will always do what she must do to be there when her little one makes a mistake. No matter what he does she’ll love him through the good and the bad. A mother will love him and stand by his side even when he’s broken her heart and made her sad.

Now the good book tells a story much better then I ever will. If I but could have a moment or two I’d like to tell this story to you: It was the deep love for her daughter that drove the Canaanite woman to Jesus Christ, pleading for mercy for her daughter’s life. And like her in our time of despair, "something" pulls us to God nagging and tuckering at our heart.

Many people, who openly reject God, will cry out from the center of their being as pain rip through their hearts in a time of need. Believe me even atheists will fall upon their knees when all is said and done for that special love one.

As we grow we will come to know Mothers who declared to be none believers living apart from Christ, not giving Him much time in their daily life, will cry out in straight up faith and belief, for a moments release, when they have done all they can, will turn to the one and only Living God as they lift up their voice in a cry of pain and faith asking God to bless that love one His Saving Grace, no longer unbelieving mothers, laying that love one in the Blessed helping hand of Christ to take their love one before the Father God, to see a once unbelieving mother take a stand some even go as far as to demand, God show Himself in their decrees and their demands, joining the congregation on Sunday morning or wherever they might, they testify to all that travel their way. No shame, no despair as they show their new face, born through God’s Saving Sufficient Grace, Healed from all that unbelief, the Father come as a true Father will, loving, forgiving and embracing. These once unbelievers never turn back, forever giving God thanks for His Saving Grace.

Yes I have heard a many once atheist mothers testify of God’s sufficient, Saving Grace filling them with the precious Holy Ghost.

Until the trials come and things get hard many unbelievers reject the Father God.

Mothers in her hour of need knew where to go to plead for help. Because she knows without a doubt the Father of Heaven and Earth truly cares and all power and might He alone hold this includes Mothers precious souls.

Persistence is something that defines a mother. Moms have a God-given talent to stay on something, no matter how long it takes, to get the job done, even when sometimes they too make mistakes.

Many times, God delays His answer to test our belief, much like He did in the parable of the persistent widow in Luke 18:2-5. being serious about the needs in our life Mothers seldom give up, they won’t give up, daily telling their children and others to don't give up...be persistent I often heard my Mother say, go before the Father and mean what you pray.

Isaiah 65:24 gives us that special promise, "Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking, I will hear." God has promised to hear and answer our prayers, but that does not always mean in our timing. Often, we need to be persistent, like this Canaanite mother who was not going to be denied the miracle she sought for her daughter.

If persistence defines a mother, then prayer is her greatest weapon. In verse 25 we hear the simple prayer of faith, "Lord help me!"

Moms are prayer warriors. Moms know that it is prayer that moves the hand of God. Moms know that prayer works because it demonstrates to God that we are powerless in our own strength, and have put our faith in Him. Jesus healed this woman's daughter because of her faith!

I want to encourage you today to honor your mother; she is a great gift from God. It is also God's commandment that we honor our mother. For those who have been estranged, separated from their Mom due to the events of life, please, swallow your pride and contact her today. No matter what may have happened in the past, tell her that you love her. I understand that many mothers have not been what God called them to be, but through your love, God can restore them and set both of you free.

For those like me whose Mom is in a nursing home and don’t know you any more, covered in the Blood of the Lord, let me suggest calling a local nursing home and finding out the name of a lady who has no family, no regular visitors. An inexpensive arrangement of flowers and 5 minutes of your day just to tell her she hasn't been forgotten on this Mother's Day will touch a life like you can not even imagine. As a firm believer I want you to know this little acts of kindness, even to strangers, are one of our most effective and powerful ministries. Don't let this day pass without making it special for your mother.

It is my goal today to encourage you and challenge you to have that intimate daily relationship with the Lord that He desires to have with you. I know as a mother and daughter and from years in the ministry, one of the biggest concerns for Moms is their unsaved children.

Mom, let me stand in agreement with you today for your unsaved children, praying with you for their salvation for their protection since I realize this is your number two prayer request. Millions will be in Heaven because of the prayers of mom! If you have a mother and she’s near bless her will your present, a kiss and open arms as you tell her you love her. I praise God for the mothers God has given to me. Biological and spiritually because of my mothers I was lead down the road of eyes that can see, minds that’s clear as I’ve learned lesson in my walk through history.

To all the Moms out there today, may you be richly blessed on this day.

A Mother's Love by Catherinebutterfly

© Copyright 20098. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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