I am filled with quiet joy
I am filedd with pure joy.
For no other reason save the fact that I'm alive.
I got Joy, I have joy. I have joy unspeakable.
The joy in my heart is only from God.
I have Joy unspeakable in my soul
this ole body of mines has served great time
I have joy unspeakable.
The message I received is clearly for me
there's no time to lose from loving,
there is no place but here for my kind
this is my time, and I shall tell the world
I've got joy, Joy, Joy and it's mines.
There is no day that I don't pray
there is no day I do not say Praise God.
I Am A Child of the living God.
I am a child of the king.
I Am A Child of God, I give Him Thanks and praise
from my heart. I praise Him for all this joy.
I have joy, I have joy. I have unspeakable joy.
I am Thankful I am in His army
My true love is the Lord of life.
My true love is my Savior Jesus Christ.
I have joy, I have joy. I have joy deep in my soul.
Shouting Glory, glory
true, unfettered selfishless praise
Thanking God I am saved.
I have pass the flame from heart to heart.
with the Joy, unspeakable in my heart.
For me this is the only moment that exists
It's so simple, so exquisite, and so real.
It is the love of Christ that keeps this joy
bursting throught my soul.
I have Joy, I have Joy, I have joy for eternity.
I have Joy living within me.
Thank You God.