When Jesus came to earth,
He came into the Womb of a woman
He came in obedience to God’s will.
Not as a man
But as a child
Even at the young age of twelve He use
His knowledge and He took a stand
He was all God and all man.
He came
He emptied him self.
Walking the Eternal mile
He volunteered unselfishly,
Laid aside His divine attributes. To make man free
Yes He came.
He did not cease being God,
Coming from the center of God’s heart.
Emptied himself of his glory
For centuries man have told His story.
He truly Came
Jesus took upon himself the form of human flesh
To clean up all our mess.
In all points he was made like unto his brethren
He was temped at all points like we are, yet without sins,
As a man, he possessed a will throughout his entire life
He continually had yielded and submitted His will in obedience’
To the will of God, Jesus Son of God born with a perfect heart.
He came