I Am Just Me

by Catherinebutterfly

This is what my friend texted to me.
Never explain your friends
you don't need it 
your enemies won't believe you anyway.
so why waste your time 
giving such thoughts the time of day.
I don't know what black people think,
I don't know what white people think
because I am me
I only know what I think.
and I only wanna be me.
Racism and ignorance is not limited to any one race,
but they do go hand in hand.
at any time of the day.
I just call myself a typical American,
I’m not African American
I am just an American,
I am me and I can only speak for me.
When people suggest to me how other people think
I tell them I don’t know,
I’m not a mind reader
and I let them know that people are individuals,
no race of people are all the same
to think so is racism and discrimination,
which also go hand in hand
and is neither restricted to one race.
be it female or man,
The evil of the world wants us to hate one another,
we resist by loving one another.
The evil of the world wants us to steal from one another,
we resist by sharing with one another.
and showing a bit of love
The evil of the world wants us to be shut off from one another,
we resist by opening our hearts to one another.
instead of being shut up in jail

The evil of the world wants us to kill one another,
we resist by being willing to die for one another.
not kill each other, taking a life that you can't replace.
When will we learn what is wrong? and what is right?
it's not our fellow man we should fight
but ignorance, intolerance, pain and deceit,
these are the enemies we need to defeat.
This is what my friend texted to me.
Never explain your friends
you don't need it 
your enemies won't believe you anyway.
so why waste your time 
giving such thoughts the time of day.

I Am Just Me by Catherinebutterfly

© Copyright 2011. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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