What Do I Have To Say?

by Catherinebutterfly

What do I have to say?
Nothing but the Word of Jesus Christ
What do I do when I daily pray.

Thanking and praising His for life and all that is in it.
Singing songs and hymns, of Glory and Praises
Thank The Christ for Him I am saved.
I Preach to the end this what I must do

There is no other Truth under heaven or earth
I'm standing for Jehovah God and Truth. 
I daily repent, of all my sins, known and unknow
I'd do this till the end.

I don’t preach to look ministerial. 
I  don’t preach to build my own reputation. 
Preaching and Teaching gives no vacation
I've made the Word of God my top obligation.
I preach to serve Him.
I preach to serve them.
I preach all that the Lord has anointed me to.
Preaching, Teaching, Obeying always Learning
Always seeking, asking, praying for healing and Truth
Crying Come to Jesus, Come to Jesus, Come to Jesus Christ right now
He will save you, He will heal you, Only He can make you whole
If you but let Him, trusting Him with your eternal soul.

What do I do you ask?
What do I have to say?
I come to tell you of a Mighty Man that IS the way.
Of myself I have nothing to say.
Come to Jesus, Come to Jesus, Come to Christ this day.

What Do I Have To Say? by Catherinebutterfly

© Copyright 2012. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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