My Great Gift

by Catherinebutterfly

I have been called to serve Him.

To obey Him

To Listen to His voice and His alone

I vow my life

As a follower of Christ,


There is no option for me,

Such as sitting home and watching TV

or waiting on others to come to me.

My job is to go forward to help sat the

Captive free, to lead all men into victory


My Great Gift (Part two)


I have been commanded to serve.

Not to sit on the wayside.

Not to bow to men and tell them lies

I Know God will guide me

Is guiding me each day in this life as

I go forward in services,

As we have the victory

My gift is to love unconditionally


My Great Gift (part three)


God uses me right where I am

As I live, as I work and as I play.

I only go where He leads me,

I only say that which he tells me

The greatest thing as a servant of God

I can do is simply be a vessel of God's Truth.

Proclaiming the clear Truth of God's Word

Is one of my great gifts

It is a gift to me to serve God as others

are lead into joy, peace and eternal prosperity

My great gift from God as He lives in me is to serve


My Great Gift (Part four)


To lead, to know, to do and to enjoy doing that

Which I am called to do is my pleasure, my purpose

And my fate in this life as God has anointed me and

appointed me as He guide me, teaching me all Truth

I know with God I have the Victory

My Great Gift is to serve, not to be served,

seen or heard

But to see to it that God is heard and seen through this

Flesh that contains me,

This fleshly life that holds me dies daily

As I wait to one day be the bride of the Son of God
as He have given His life that all might live and not die.
The great gift God has given to me is to Serve
not to be served as His servant I have the victory.

My Great Gift by Catherinebutterfly

© Copyright 2009. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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