I pray as I leave this place, I leave it worthy with no shame
I pray that all my suffering and joys has not been in vain.
I pray I’ve touched a few lives and delivered a few souls
They tell me I am going either to Heaven or Hell while
I tell them I am just going Home, not back into my Earthly
Mother’s womb or my Earthly Father DNA, but back into
My Fatherly heart, who sent me, on this long journey, as He
Formed me, and prepared me, placing me in that warm, healthy sack,
So that I would survive within my Earthly mother’s womb
Safely all protected until the time to come fore was right.
And I would be able to push fore into the Earthly light.
I can’t remember the day He breathed life into my nostrils
Nor can I remember when or how He sat me down upon the warmth
Of my Earthly parents heart.
But what I do know is Father gave me a great start.
I pray that someone will remember that I had a big, given heart.
And that I loved unconditionally all that I did meet
Be they in my Earthly father and mother’s family or met them in the streets.
I want to be remembered for Love, Life and Support.
I want to be remembered as a True Child of God
I want to be remembered as one blessing homeless,
Motherless, fatherless children wherever I might have found them,
I want to be remembered as a Trusting Soldier in God’s Army of Life
I wanted to be remembered as one representing The Christ.
I don’t need any room filled with flowers
I enjoyed them while I was here.
I don’t need a expensive coffin, because I won’t be living there
I don’t need any tears when I leave; I shed enough on my visit here
I just need to have lived this old life pleasing, loving,
And obedient to Father God.
I live to hear ‘Well done my child” when I enter into the Realm of Life
I live to look upon the face of my Savior Jesus Christ.
I live each day as I walk Mother Earth telling someone about the
“Kingdom of God”
I live each day trying to touch lives and ease pain in broken hearts.
I don’t always succeed, then who does?
So I want you all to remember me as one filled with unconditional love.
I leave this world for a greater place, a place known to me as Love.
I leave this place they tell me on a cloud all of my own
But I don’t know, and I don’t remember the place that I come from
Because God wiped out the memories, just know, I can’t wait to return
Like Paul said in his letters that I did read and I know many of you did too
That the place we’re headed for is a place designed and created by Jesus Christ
As He left here to prepare, and it’ll all be brand new.
So I stay bent on bended knees
And I pray for forgiveness every day
I lie before the Father for every one of you,
I pray daily that none get left behind
I pray you all get to Know the Christ before it is your time
So if, No! Correction! When!
I leave this old place called home, for the better one
I ask you and you to remember me,
with loving compassion as I return back where I belong.
You see I am tiered now, my time here has come and gone,
and Father Jehovah told Jesus Christ to tell the Angels to come for me,
so I can come back home.
I pray I’d earned my wings, with this stay here with each of you.
I pray that I did most of what my Father sent me to do...
Oh well if you are reading this,
and there are others in the room, it doesn’t matter now
What you thought or how you felt, I am no longer among you,
for that old fleshly body I’ve left.
I’d travel like the wind, and I want you all to know
I appreciate each of you for kindly dropping in.
Don’t shed a tear; don’t cry for me, I am safe and secure.
I have done what you got to do and that is make, it back home too.