God's Favor

by Catherinebutterfly


    The distance between my faith
    and my brother St. Paul;s
    is indeed great.
    I am Nothing.
    A nobody seeking somebody

    Daily I confess,
    Daily I acknowledge
    As I follow the lessons
    brother Paul prepared for me,
    and all those that Willingly
    Seek the Savior'
    Me a nobody, seeking somebody

    Today God's Favor is mines
    as I seek and search for all truth
    As I stand before the All mighty in
    Love, compassion and Truth

    My life no longer belongs to me
    But unto Him that has saved me,
    Me a nobody, serving somebody
    Being it the Will of God that I yet live.

    Before Him that set me free I bow
    Before Him I
    Lying on my face daily I give unto Him
    Praise and worship
    For Only He is worthy to be praised.

    Studying myself to be approved daily I die
    I move forward into the ream of the almighty
    knowing that I like all those that
    seek and follow truth that he has left
    for us to review,
    too receive and learn
    I summit my all on bend knees before
    the throne of God
    the Father and my Lord and Savior
    Jesus Christ.

    Make no mistake in your
    listening to what I say
    Being persuaded by Christ my
    Lord I walk as the Lord guides me
    knowing that No weapon formed against
    me shall prosper.
    I move on reaching out
    seeking those that are searching,
    longing and desiring the fulfillment
    that only My Lord, My Savior Christ Jesus
    can give.
    know that I take comfort
    in knowing that the same grace
    and the same power
    that St. Paul had is still available for me.
    for you and all the children of
    our Heavenly Father Jehovah God
    my God is no respect of persons.

    The same joy in adversity of Paul is still possible.
    the same type of amazing witness
    in times of trial is still our hope

God's Favor by Catherinebutterfly

© Copyright 2008. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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