Father Plan 3

by catherine butterfly

Yes, You placed a talent for living in my heart 
Yet I live my life alone. 
Sometimes I wonder what I’ve done wrong. 
My family and friends look sadly at me. 
Because this they cannot understand. 
That I do not belong to a simple man. 
Because I have not met that one that can comprehend. 
That I can not exist living in sin. 
all the relationships I have had with human beings 
leaves me standing on the outside since my Honey 
have gone home. 
Everything I touched You turned to gold. 
Every suffering taught my soul.
You placed your loving hand on me, 
Through life you guided all I did,
You made my choices that made me wise. 
Lord the world around me is dying. 
And the folk around me isn’t so kind. 
Because they don't understand me they say I am blind. 
Lord help me to speak to them and not be lying.
Why did You pamper this worthless daughter?
Grief and pain taught lessons in gold, 
Lord I praise You for making me so bold.
I never specked I'd live to be fifty three years old.
Grievous losses made me stronger. 
Those I have loved have moved on. 
Sometimes I feel so alone. 
Loneliness shaped my ears to hear, 
Mysteries You spoke to me on winds. 
Have kept me down throughout the years. 
Lord thank You for taking my fears 
allowing me to know You are always near.
That you hold me very dear.

Author's Comments:
"As I have been tried and tested. facing ridicule and persecution. 
I am still seeing the transformation God is doing in my life 
and how the power of God is being manifested in and through me, 
there is no sacrifice too great for such a rich and rewarding life." 

Father Plan 3 by catherine butterfly

© Copyright 2007. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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