Blinded by Love.
I was so young.
Filled with want and desire.
Floating in love, my head held high in the sky.
I was in love, and so was he.
at least I thought.
He groomed me, he schooled me
he fooled me, physically he never misused me.
He told me that “I was too important to lose”.
I had no ideal I was being schooled.
I adopted a bizarre and twisted set of beliefs
that turned me against my own mind.
It was only a matter of time.
before I didn't want to be without him,
I was young and I was dumb.
I was taught that if I have a doubt about him
I had to do a positive change of mind.
“thought-stopping”. was not my plan
while he was bar hopping calling himself a man...
He said I had to let go and listen to him,
crying inside, dying inside, couldn't run away, but couldn't stay
meaning I had to be unwittingly short-circuited my critical,
independent thinking process.
He waited for me to automatically shuts down
Filled with want and desire.
Floating in love, my head held high in the sky.
I was in love, and so was he.
at least I thought.
He groomed me, he schooled me
he fooled me, physically he never misused me.
He old me that “I was too important to lose”.
I had no ideal I was being schooled.
He waited for me to automatically shuts down any
"negative" thoughts, only have positive thoughts,
no independent thinking or reality testing was to take place
in my life, . But Jesus saves.
He wanted me to be controlled by fear
This unhealthy dependency on him, the “central figure”,
in my life.
Grooming me to be a controlled wife
he had personal plans for my life.
Blinded by Love.
I was so young.
Filled with want and desire.
Floating in love, my head held high in the sky.
I was in love, and so was he.
at least I thought.
He groomed me, he schooled me
he fooled me, physically he never misused me.
so I thought, but to not be able to think
to speak when I desire, or had something to say
took all my rights away, and killed my faith
God saves.
I am not in Faith and all the pain and fear has gone away
Jesus Saves.
Thank You Lord for Saving Grace.