Black Brother, Black Sister

by Catherinebutterfly

It is time you stop throwing your lives away.
You don't have to be locked up,
Knocked up, shot up, doped up, dying like animals
You were created to have dominion of these
These things were given to you in love.
You are human beings blessed and created
From the royalist family

Radical thought is rarely taught,
But echoes a Truth that must be caught.
The Father did not deem for you to be sold and bought
Like fruits and vegetables sitting on a cart.

Africa is the place of beginnings.
America does not have to be the place of ending.
Even if it is a place of great sinning
You are born in it; don’t mean you have to participate with it.

Black people are not cursed.
God the Father places you my people upon this beautiful Earth

Throw the lie out of your mind
It is way past that time.
It’s one of those things that are killing
The people of color and the black kind.

Open your mind so the Truth can land helping
Your troubled minds to expand
Forgive that one that delivered unto you that dirty hand.
He too was just a fallen man.
Who felt into the deceivers’ hand.

The only history of Ham that applies
To black people comes from a pig.
The devil told a bunch of lies.
When the truth he rigged.

Your history did not start with slavery
Your history began with dominion.
With kings and queens.
With an empire.
With land and property.
With wealth, and poverty.
With thinkers, not fools.
Get yourselves together
Stop walking through the schools
It’s time you stop being the fool.
Stay awhile,
Pick up a book
Get a little hooked
Grow as you go
Know that you know, that you know, that you know.

Never deny your identity.
The Father created you to be free
You were created to be unique.
It was stolen by a thief.
Who played you super cheap.
It’s time you stepped up and took your seat.

Limitation is the lie.
Your freedom exists where lies cease.
The system sees a nigger
And God senses His image which is much
More powerful and bigger.
Media is a slave master that have always label you a bastard
Come grow, throw off that cowardice mentality
Give God the time, the praise and all that slave mentality.
Go before Him with honesty, integrity, 
and love, obedience and you will see
Who you are and what you be.
The books you have received hold not the black man’s history.
Come grow, be reborn again to who you are,
Sons and Daughters of Jehovah God
Not that satanic force that rips at His heart.

Media denigrates blacks.
It’s time to stop sitting back
It’s time to bring forward Truth and Facts
Don't sell out to the system
The price is too high
God never called for integration.
Integration can not be found any where in His conversation
But He did call for separation.
Separation of the Truth from a Lie.


Black Brother, Black Sister by Catherinebutterfly

© Copyright 2002. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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