Young Eagle

by 1st Poet

Soar I can see your Strength
Fly Black bird do your dance
Don't let distractions of life set you back
Stay focused and on track your history is of greatness

Continue the path
Your youth is your strength don't wrestle with the knowledge of truth
Go "Eagle" it's your time rule them little birds black man
Stop wrestling with truth use your gift
The spirit of "Yah" you were born with
The creator made you in his image

Young Eagle

Be a beacon of light shine bright let your beautiful skin
Reflect the soil it was created from
Use your mind to fight injustice wherever you go
You know what it feels like to have your history stolen
Fly Young Eagle Fly, Fly, Fly....

Young Eagle by 1st Poet

© Copyright 2006. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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