The world can't stop your destiny with bars
"God" spoke to a rock and water came fourth
He stopped Brother Paul on the road to Damascus
and used him to bring his sheep in
"God' can use you my brother to form a strong army of men
Who will bow down to worship him?
Stirring up the gate keepers who witness the change
Watch "Gods" power draw the warden down to see these men called blessed
Pray for peace my brothers and watch "God" move
and the chains of bondage be broken from your mind
Serve "God" right where you are tell the brothers about his love
Transformation of the mind is a beautiful blessing
Watching a wretched man become a crown of "Gods" glory
Be a witness for "God" behind the wall tell his story
Watch his manifested power move and the gate keepers shed tears
As they witness the "Holy Spirit" move upon that place and take over fear
"God" will wipe away every tear
Dedicated to my brother
Keep the pens flowing?