Origins of the Black Man's Mind

by 1st Poet

Creation from the birth of time

"YHWY" took his rib and created the life giver to all human beings
Yet the black man can't take his rightful place

He must bow down to other nations and worship their religion
How will he face the pain knowing he gave birth to Kings and Queens?
Now the world turned its back on him stealing all his wealth and his children's children

Museums all around the world filled with his history
Gentiles refuse to teach the truth yet they write books and the blacks history is excluded 
The great cover up used with time religion used to blur his mind

He can't remember his past because division among his own people with unclean hands
How long will the world deny the black man his rightful place?
A Time to collect himself and repent to the one who created him "YHWY"

Origins of the Black Man's Mind by 1st Poet

© Copyright 2011. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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