I'm Black Because I'm Beautiful

by 1st Poet

They look at the color of my skin
Because they think I'm not of African descent
Let me give you my opinion about the European 
How he forced himself on our ancestors in slavery
Raped our women and abandoned them light nigger babies
Evidence of the image he made as he sits back drinking lemonade
Telling stories to his children how to keep us enslaved
Some how he forgot to mention how he enjoyed the fruit of our black women
As he beat the men into submission forcing him into a state of oppression
I'm Black Because I'm Beautiful
I celebrate who I am all the many shades God created
God I yield to be who I am because the color of my skin
A beautiful reflection of your image the first Kings and Queens 
born in the image of an African

I'm Black Because I'm Beautiful by 1st Poet

© Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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