He's Back

by 1st Poet

I'm in full control of my life
Don't think for one minute I'm gone away
I love "Timbooktu" I had to collect my thoughts for a minute
Some real life issues had me bound so I had to retreat
Think about my next move and what would "God" have me write
Yeah these hands don't move without his Anointing and Blessings
Like my momma use to say if you don't have anything good to say 
don't say anything at all
So I'm ready to get back to what I do best and speak from the heart 
Life is so short I try real hard not to look back 
and I thank "God" every day for allowing me to rise and open my eyes 
Because I know it's only his grace that I've made it thus far
See many of my friends left this earth way too soon; truly it was not their time to go
Yet "God" called them home and I know in my heart I was on that same road
Yet "God' loved me so much he gave me another chance
I promised if he kept me clean I would write what he tells me
I know someone out there might not understand what I'm saying
Until you have had a dream and seen yourself lying in that casket don't judge
Pray for me as I walk out this journey please ask "God" to give me strength to keep going
Somebody out there knows what I'm saying 
there is power in two or three in prayer when we come together
Tell somebody you love them and mean it even if it's your enemy

He's Back by 1st Poet

© Copyright 2006. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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