
by 1stPoet

Mrs. Coretta Scott King continued her husbands dream
Fighting for justice and equality for all human beings
Through out the years shedding her silent tears crying out to God who hears
One can only imagine her fears as she held on to Jesus with strength of an eagle
Showing the world how to have class with graceful dignity
We honor this great humanitarian of life, Dr. King knew this without any doubt
He saw Christ resting on his wife her purpose for greater
The world has lost a mighty women of strength may her legacy be written in the book of life?
Mrs. Coretta Scott King was a great woman of faith in God
She knew the source Jesus Christ as the head of her life
A foundation that could not be shaken that was formed before God entered her into her mother's womb
For with human eyes looking at her life man could not understand
God most surely did know the plans she was faithful with all he trusted her with
She was one of Gods best gifts showing the world his strength
All along with grace, humbleness, courage, hope, peace, love, joy, and pain
All wrapped up with elegance we love you rest in peace Mother Coretta Scott King 

Elegance by 1stPoet

© Copyright 2006. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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