Black Rose

by 1st Poet

 Nature's first creation for the world to see
A beautiful tree planted in the earth in Eden
Radiance of an awesome YAH a reflection of beauty of a mighty color
Placed among the stars a bright and shining glow
A gift of a portrait of an image of himself
A mighty people born to worship him
The moon bow down and the sun shine bright
Every living creature call his name to give praise calling Hallelu-YAH, Hallelu –YAH
Black Rose
Your petals flow your blackness glow
The first tree planted in the vineyard to grow
All others are a duplication of your beauty
Unique in all the earth the splendor of YAH'S Face
 You were created first to be great
Take your bow you beautiful crown created from the soil of the ground

Black Rose by 1st Poet

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