My Black Mind

by 1stPoet

Can you hear the divine?
Saying to you rest you’re mind you been in pain for a very long time
You are mine the true branch from the vine come let me wipe your tears away
I can see the scars from the past weighing you down
I am “YAH” your crown return unto me what is mine
You are the gift the world can’t see
I created you to be different I created you for me
The broken branch from the tree can’t you see every wrong turn you took I rescued thee
The world couldn’t see the gift I hid in thee, why do you keep blocking me by refusing to yield
I need you to let me be your crown, I will restore your brokenness and heal wounds in side
The world is blessed through you the enemy has deceived the whole world with material gains
The world is calling me with an unknown name did I not tell you I will not change
Psalms 68:4 I speak my name “YAH” remember in your original language there is no J
YHWH is my abba’s name and we are one that no man can separate or change
The time has come the time is now restore true Y’sra’el back unto me
I have come to restore the broken branches back to its natural tree  

My Black Mind by 1stPoet

© Copyright 2014. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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