Our Ancient Past

by Carlton L. Scott

We can't remember our distant past
Snatched from greatness the foundation upon which our ancestors laid
Brought to the americas shackled in chains
Forced to take on a new identity of the slave master's name
They took our spiritual oneness and made it their own
Then reintroduced it to us with false images 
and the rewritting of their version
We will rise again and the false perception 
of my peoples contribution to the world will be redeemed
We are the decendants of the ancient egyptians
Rise you african nation speak about your past
Allow your mind to remember your greatness 
Cleanse yourself from all these superficial things
That keep you from seeing and hearing

Our Ancient Past by Carlton L. Scott

© Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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