Alkebulan, Alkebulan

by 1st Poet

Alkebulan, Alkebulan the first land of Tzion
Many people many traditions many cultures many religions
We are Alkebulan let's unite our different faces
Let's celebrate our many creators, but we know we are one
We lived in a land of peace before the Europeans come
They stole our jewels and our people and some rapped our mothers to pleasure themselves
Alkebulan, Alkebulan why have you not united your people around the world today
You cleave to your enemy and your children are being murdered 
Wake up my people it's a new day the creator is calling Alkebulan to awaken
Embrace your people and call them home out of all the nations
Your strength is in your people cleanse your mind from wanting to be like other nations
Gather your children from the west they were taken from your womb
Snatched and sometimes sold by your wicked hands
The time has come the time is now rise Alkebulan rise  

Alkebulan, Alkebulan by 1st Poet

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