How can one white man bring black to hate another black/
conform us all into the white society that continues to stab us in the back/
today's black females have really been affected/
preferring longer hair and lighter skin to avoid feeling rejected/
from the mainstream point of view, thoughts our very own brothers have acquired/
never mind they're in the occupation realm of last hired first fired/
whatever happened to "the blacker the berry the sweeter the juice?"/
it's being replaced with "the blacker the nigga the tighter the noose"/
so we flock to the stores for pressing combs and perms/
preferring blue contacs over our natural eyes, when will we ever learn?/
300 years later and his voice is still being heard/
despite the fact he's been dead for over two and a half centuries, we're still digesting every word/
we despise one another for our complexion and hair/
we designate the adjective beautiful to the woman with indian hair and skin just as fair/
she came straight outta Africa is the term used for everyone else/
we're turning against Mother Africa, and in turn, we're turning against ourselves/
it began when we were little girls preferring white dolls over our blacks/
and transcended through sayings stating "if you're white you're alright, if you're black step back"/
he led us to believe that perfection is seen through blond hair and blue eyes/
his speech was in 1712 and we're still believing his belligerent lies/
300 years later and his words are still intact/
the sad consequences of the Willie Lynch Complex/