I Can Almost

by A Taste of Caramel

I can almost smell your perfume, as you tightly hold me to you. 
I can almost feel the touch of your warm embrace, can you feel it too? 
I can almost hear your laughter, as it echoes in my ears. 
Now my almosts are filled with sadness as I wipe away my tears. 
My heart is so empty, only you can fill this space. 
But my wounded heart will heal, knowing you're in a better place. 
You've done all you could, but your earthly body needed its rest. 
Now spread your wings and be with God, we know he has one of the best. 
We will hold you in our memories and think of you everyday. 
And feel a sense of satisfaction that you hear us when we pray. 
I can almost see you bringing sunshine to the pouring rain. 
Being our rainbow as grandmothers are, and taking away our pain.

I Can Almost by A Taste of Caramel

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