
by B.J. Burgins

I'll Let You
Go DOWN THE Same Road
and won't give
caution nor warning,
just so We'll have something
to talk about and agree on -

Won't Tell You
what I KNOW
'cause more than likely
Afraid You'll grow
and exclude me from your gain,
so I'll stay Muted,
Hoping You won't hear what I can
HELP you on
to BEAT the odds
and BEcome a BETTER ME.

Play friend 'cause
check writer suggests it
cause it'd be good I felt Welcomed,
and helped to be fitted in,
and once I'm trapped
YOU'LL show
how much YOU Disliked me 
to begin with,
Equation to the end;
End up with nothing,
written off 
to the Same Subtraction...

Typical by B.J. Burgins

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