Take the Children Back

by B.J. Burgins

Tell the average Father
to release the spite
from his heart
even if 
he and the mother 
are apart,
care enough
to give the child
a fresh start-
tell the Father
to teach his child
to ride a bike,
change the oil
of a car,
to fix a flat, etc.

Tell the Mother
to release herself
from womanly vanity
and senseless insanity
by being a righteous example
for daughter or son's sake
by handing them the fact's of life,
and by freeing thyself
from being fake,
for they need to 
understand realness 
right away.

Don't let the
movies, cell phone
or internet and social media
raise your own,
nurture them from the abyss
of the brutal cyclone
and stop blaming society
for it all starts at home-
though non are perfect
try to be a
righteous example
in actions
for his or her sake,

but in absence of mother or father
uncles stand up and be real!
aunties do the same!
cousins who're around,
stand up and steer
the children right!.

Take the Children Back by B.J. Burgins

© Copyright 2016. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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