School Ride
(Spencer Tate the Old Soul, Age 8)

by B.J. Burgins

I'ma try and do like Grandad say "Show Love"! he say Martin Luther King tried to love, that's why he was kilt he say Mr. Martin said "Tell somebody I tried to love, I tried to love somebody"! Oscar, Desmond and Charlie were mad on the way to school and I guess grandaddy could tell he say he had a grandma that didn't speak to this lady that would pass by her house and speak everyday, he say it want'nt until the lady died he found out it was his Auntie his grandma sister. He say "Don't be like that actin' like you hate each other you're family love each other 'cause you don't know when you'll leave this world. Don't do that"!

School Ride (Spencer Tate the Old Soul, Age 8) by B.J. Burgins

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