The Rice Eaters

by B.J. Burgins

Often criticized said they'll grow slanted eyes but they bother non. A slanted rectangular wood table, oak chairs with loose bolts wobbly legs vintage plates, stained napkins and blonely breath Bowed heads, prayer leaders, unsung captains rain stained ceilings waist buckets to wrap rare tears in upon tender cracks afraid to soon grow. Worn 'Annie Allen' on couch "I Come That You Might Have Life" crooning the background A framed portrait by Frida leans on the bottom of the kitchen counter and 'Come Sunday' by Barnes hangs on a side wall Ain't no tale of tragedy but of grace in the course of triumph while in lion's dens No pity they want but at face value they take you but no need for friends - Go off and play at work return back turn in meet at the table and eat the same thing all over again.

The Rice Eaters by B.J. Burgins

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