Blue's Residence

by B.J. Burgins

Hiding from shadows
coffee table laced
with full and empty bottles,
an ashtray that's butted out-

moods swing in and out
like a loose screen door
above a nailess porch,
the lighter that gives
the nicotene life,
is a glowing torch
for a space 
gloomy, dark & blue;
a local radio station
settles the mood with it's playlist,
playing into the blueness
within this resident's niche.

Come and sup,
have a cup
and take a gulp,
chat and tell what's up-
for the world's chaos
is the only laughter
that can be mustered-

so sad, so blue, yet too true.

Blue's Residence by B.J. Burgins

© Copyright 2016. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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