Journey (PART 2)

by TL Bronson

Day becomes night,
and night is endless.
Suffering has become a part of survival.
Movement sends a message.
My mind receives it
and life continues.
For a moment,
I travel to conquered freedom
and endless happiness.
I smile,
until the cruel scent of death
becomes my perfume of reality.
I no longer feel the shackles that bind me.
My senses are as damaged
as my emotions.
I glance around me,
and taste the destitution.
The bodies of my people
have been overlooked and forgotten.
I sense the tears,
but they never fall.
Anger and hope fuel my inner fires.
In the darkness I sense movement
and hear the last breaths of my people.
I shudder.
Contact with another soul
brings the tears.
This time, they fall.

Journey (PART 2) by TL Bronson

© Copyright 2000. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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