
by Poe_t

a beast of mistakes
and curiosities.
One who allows
meditated risks
to develop into
undisclosed fantasies.
His only defense
is also
his greatest weakness.
Chasing the unattainable
has become the sport of choice.
Catching the forbidden
is winning the prize.
To act
is to enjoy,
to succumb
is to feed secrets.
That which was once unsavory,
and become insatiable,
so to surrender
beyond control.
The mind craves
and the body submits.
The body devours
and the mind
Lessons are learned
as we live and play.
The mouth explains
what the mind has to say.
That which is most forbidden,
is most desired.
Instead of
conquering the demons,
we feed his,
as well as our own,
appetite for more.
Forgive yourself,
 chance the forbidden.

Forbidden by Poe_t

© Copyright 2009. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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