Sustah Blues

by Bridget E. Body

Sustah Blues is buying a Mercedes to ease the pain.
Sustah Blues is thinking you’ll never love again.

Sustah Blues is a Saks charge and late rent.
Sustah Blues is your hair done and all your money spent.

Sustah Blues is when only diamonds can make you smile.
Sustah Blues is, “Damn I ain’t had none in a while!”

Sustah Blues is Crown Royal and Mary J. Blige.
Sustah Blues is a Friday night, a candle, and Miles.

Sustah Blues is being all dressed up with no place to go.
Sustah Blues is your body saying yes and your heart saying, NO!

Sustah Blues is being highly educated with too many bills.
Sustah Blues is something only a real sustah feels.

Sustah Blues by Bridget E. Body

© Copyright 2001. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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